Tobacco Trail 2016 LDU 2016
Starttidspunkt: fredag 18. mars 14:00
Siste oppdatering: 20. mars 2016
3. januar 04:38
Status Løype Deltakere Siste sjekkpunkt Resultatliste
8. Juho Ylipiessa Kurtakko Sluttplassering: 6


Address: Kurtakontie 205B

City: Kurtakko

Country: Finland

Cell phone: +358408424469

Occupation: Wilderness guide

Sled dog club: L-SVU

Kennel name: huskyranch

Years running dogs: 10

Long distance experience - race/year/result:
Finnmarkslopet,Femundlopet, Amundsenrace and some others

Special dogs in the team: Sisu and Cent, my dynamic duo