Tobacco Trail 150km Limited Class 2023
Starttidspunkt: søndag 9. april 11:02
Siste oppdatering: 10. april 2023
2. januar 23:54
Status Løype Deltakere Siste sjekkpunkt Resultatliste
6. Cedric LEMOINE 942 95 VIDSEL Sluttplassering: 6

Name:  Lemoine Cédric

Hometown:  Vidsel, Sweden

Kennel Name:  Vertaco Mushing

Sponsors:  Sherpa Sled, Baci+, Doggy rade, Laponie Mush

Rookie/Veteran:  Veteran

How many years have you been driving dogs:  10 years

Long distance experience: 

La Grande Odyssee 1000km, Lapland Quest 250, Gold Rush Run 650, Amundsen Race 370, Tobacco Trail 350

Occupation:  Musher




Profile Information:  Musher, passionate since my youngest age about sled dogs, I acquired my first Alaskan Huskies in 2013. This passion does not leave me any more, we make races to be able to put our dogs in value because our first goal is to finish the races with happy and in form dogs.