Troms Quest 2011, Åpen 2011
Starttidspunkt: lørdag 22. januar 11:00
Siste oppdatering: 23. januar 2011
22. januar 20:27
Status Løype Deltakere Siste sjekkpunkt Resultatliste
20. Kim Leonard Utstøl Alaska Sluttplassering: 15

Land: Scotland

Telefon: +46 70 2398007


Hjemmeside: www.polarquest. pro

Yrke: Guide, musher,

Trekkhundklubb: Two Rivers Dog Mushers, Alaska

Kennel navn: PolarQuest

Ant. hunder: 37

In addition to mushing, skiing, mountaineering, kayaking & chainsaw carving bears!

Gratian Djurklinik, PolarQuest Pro Feed dog food, Brenig Expedition clothing UK.

Hvorfor langdistanse / Troms Quest:
give the younger dogs in the team some race and travel eperience, see a new location, new trail

Ledere i spannet/ navn/ alder:
I have a 6 yrs old leader called Mack who came with me from Alaska, a special 2yr old leader called Wallace, a super female leader called Fendi from my good friend Henry Coronica, two great leaders, Momo & Susan who came from Torsten Kohnert.

Spesielle hunder i spannet:
They are all special, most young and fresh and show great promise for future seasons and nearly all of them lead well.