Troms Quest 2012, Åpen 2012
Starttidspunkt: lørdag 21. januar 11:00
Siste oppdatering: --/--
22. januar 17:03
Status Løype Deltakere Siste sjekkpunkt Resultatliste
-1. Vedjeön - Strömsund

Adresse: Vedjeön 165, 83394 Strömsund

Land: Sweden/Czech Republic

Telefon: +46 76 82 69 256



animal nutrition consultant, sled dog shop and outdoor tours operator, musher, dog mom

Trekkhundklubb: Jämtlands Fjällens Släd Hund Klubb (JFSHK)

Kennel navn: Kipp d´Amundsen Siberian Husky Kennels

Ant. hunder: 55

life partner Jachym and all our four legged children

writing, hiking, photography, natural health and nutrition, clicker training, reading, cooking

Lokalaviser: Strömsund-Östersund Posten, Länstidningen

Troll Hundefor & Utstyr, HOLISTICSHOP.CZ, ERMA, Vom og Hundemat,, ZERO DC, BLOMYARD Kreativ Reklam, Ivana & Vlady Palecek, Eva Lukesova, Pettersons Fisk, and a group of friends -- THANK YOU ALL!

Langdistanse erfaringer
Løp/ år/ plassering - inklusive alle gangene du har fullført Troms Quest:

Gold Nugget 1996 - 3d place
Polardistans 2008 - 7th place

Hvorfor langdistanse / Troms Quest:
it´s a natural challenge for my team and I, I love travelling the nordic wilderness, taking care of my dogs and living in the basic, natural way. Testing ourselves against the elements. Troms Quest is in an interesting area, very different from where we live and train and I think it´s a good preparation for Finnmarkslopet and other races above the arctic circle.

Målsettinger og strategi for årets løp:
Enjoy ourselves, learn and practice and finish with healthy, happy and preferably all dogs.

Ledere i spannet/ navn/ alder:
Galena (5), Tazlina (6,5), Rapid (5)

Spesielle hunder i spannet: all of them are special.